Posted in General by Penny WadePenny Wade on 22 August 2014

What is considered high blood pressure or hypertension?

Normal - Less than 120/80 mm Hg

Prehypertension - 120-139/80-89 mm Hg

Stage 1 hypertension - 140-159/90 to 99mm Hg

Stage 2 hypertension - 160/100 mm Hg or higher .It is very important to treat as it is a significant risk factor for: 

  • Strokes, heart attacks and Alzheimer's disease
  • in 90% of cases there is no known cause of HBP.
  • In 10% of cases it is caused by diseases such as kidney disease, medication and adrenal tumours.

Risk factors in the 90% of unknown causes are: 

  • Age
  • Race
  • Family history
  • Overweight
  • Physical inactivity
  • Insulin resistance and sleep apnoea
  • Smoking
  • Excess salt
  • Stress

6 of these factors we can actually work on through diet , lifestyle and herbs.

8 point dietary plan

This is called the DASH diet which has been proven to reduce HBP. 

  • Diet high in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy, fish, chicken and lean meats.
  • 50-100g/day of dark coloured fruit such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries.
  • Cocoa - 85% dark chocolate, 20g /day.
  • Garlic as 1-2 fresh, crushed raw cloves/day
  • Beetroot juice as a juice or supplement - juiced, baked or raw. Boiling beetroot kills the beneficial nitrates.
  • Fibre - 30g/day of freshly milled linseed. 
  • Reduce salt to no more than 3g/day
  • Green tea and Hibiscus tea - several cups a day of each.

Stress is often a big factor. Herbs are used to relax the system. Massage, meditation and Tai Chi help.  In some cases counselling, or a psychologist are warranted. And if these strategies do not work over time then a visit to the doctor is called for , for medical intervention. 

Olive leaf is an excellent herb to decrease blood pressure. Most of you know it as a herb for colds, but traditionally it  was used for reducing blood pressure.

So, the key elements to reduce blood pressure are diet, herbs, stress reduction, increased exercise, weight loss, adequate sleep and moderate alcohol intake. This multifaceted approach, each reducing blood pressure by a small amount can have an accumulative effect and greatly benefit you. 


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