Posted in General by Penny WadePenny Wade on 01 July 2013


Colds and Flu

Whilst we are still in the middle of the cold and flu season I thought I would give you some more herbal medicine ideas to help shorten the symptoms and give plenty of relief from this very common ailment.

  1.  Prevention - Taking Echinaceae in the form of the root rather than the flowers and using the species E. angustifolia or E. purpurea will give you optimal immune support.
  2. Cure - Once you get a cold or flu using herbs like Andrographis,Pelargonium and Mullein plus many more, the symptoms will reduce and not last for so long. 
  3. Take plenty of Vitamin C with bioflavonoids in it to protect the GIT.
  4. Zinc levels are often low. I have a test to determine your zinc levels. If low, taking liquid zinc at a high strength for 2 weeks will  bring  zinc levels back to normal. Then taking zinc tablets will keep your zinc levels up.


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