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about me
Penny has been practising massage since 1987 and Herbal Medicine since 1996. She has also taught massage since 1989.
Penny's commitment to you is to make a difference to your health and wellbeing.

Todays Spring issue is about two topics:

  • A mini gut health programme that can only take you two weeks and help to improve energy levels and digestion
  • Osteoarthritis of the knee and how massage can help

Gut Health Programme

Do you suffer from any of the following ailments?

  • Recurring headaches
  • Chronic fatigue/tiredness
  • Poor digestion or constipation
  • Abdominal discomfort  such as bloating or flatulence
  • Recurrent infections or skin issues

And maybe eating too many fatty or sweet foods, take aways or alcohol

What are the benefits of such a programme?

  • More energy
  • Greater mental clarity
  • Improved digestion
  • Improvement in the bodies' ability to fight infection, allergies and skin disorders.

And it can all be mdone in 2 weeks!

What is involved?

In a herbal medicine consultation I take a case history, do a questionaire and tests and then herbal supplements are taken. And the best easy diet to follow is discussed. This will give you your best outcome. 

I have three tests that I do. They normally cost $25 but I am doing these for free. 


If you would like to know more or book in for a herbal medicine appointment , do let me know. 

Osteoarthritis of knees - How can massage help?

As some of you will know arthritis anywhere in the body can be very painful and knees are no exception!

Risk factors

1. Age - over 45 hyears

2. Being overweight -  knees are weight bearing joints and body chemicals are produced by excess body fat that damages joints.

3. Injury or overuse - golf, skiing, tennis, netball, football and soccer are all sports prone to give you knee injuries and subsequent arthritis later in life. 

4 Genetics - primarily women. Postural misalignment and bone deformities.

5. Vocation - Professional athletes, landscapers, roofers, brick layers, computer work, carrying heavy items. 

Benefits of massage

  • Decreases pain and stiffness
  • Increases the function of knees, sleep anmd quality of life
  • Poor sleep triggers the release of natural pain chemicals in the body. Massage improves sleep by releases endorphins to reduce pain.
  • Massage will decrease heart rate and cortisol levels, increase blood flow and lymph to repair the area.
  • Cold packs are better than hot packs to decrease swelling and improve strength and function of the arthritic knee. Heat is good during rehab but it may increase inflammation.

How can you help yourself?

a) Lose weight - Loosing  only 0.5 kg relieves 2kg of pressure on the knee

b) A mediteranean diet is best as it is anti inflammatory.

c) Mind/body therapies - massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic, Tai Chi, Qui Gong, meditation and acupuncture can all help

d) Supplements and herbs - Glucosamine/chondroitin, fish oils and herbal mixes. Herbs such as Boswellia, celery seed, willow bark, cucurmin are just some of the herbs available. 

Quote of the Quarter

'Rejoice in whatever life gives you.Nothing else. Know that whatever you have been given is for your highest good.'

Enjoy the spring air, flowers, birds and new beginnings.


Kind Regards

Penny Wade

Massage Therapist and herbalist

ph: 02 9436 0306